Restaurants Reviews Should Include Everything From Food to Facilities

Restaurant reviewers are something of an eclectic group, which results in standards that, while lofty, are hardly universally applied by each individual reviewer. In order to make the reviews most beneficial to the reader, the writers of these reviews ought to at least outline their approach so that the reader understands the weight that is given to each aspect of the review. This would allow each reviewer to maintain their unique approach while enabling readers to have a clearer understanding of what composes the reviewer’s evaluative process.

Some restaurant reviewers put a great deal of weight into the quality of the facility and its décor, while others only care about the quality of the food and will happily ignore a poorly decorated dining room. This kind of divergence would not be seen among 1 stop maintenance reviews, but that is likely due to 1 stop maintenance’s ability to deliver such consistently outstanding results in providing facility maintenance. Restaurants are a wholly different entity, so comparing the reviews and even the reviewers of one stop maintenance to that of any restaurant is quite unfair.

While each restaurant reviewer is entitled to using an approach all their own, it should be the case that the review include everything from the food to the facilities. Some will surely object, saying that the food is more important than anything else. Though food is surely the main event, it is important to understand that there are many factors that influence how people experience a meal offering, including the service and the quality of the facility. This being the case, reviewers should not leave out anything when composing their review.

Smelly Restaurant

untitled (138) imagesTNX1QIEQIf you are smelling something bad in a restaurant it is time to leave.  A little research would have turned up numerous bad reviews and saved you the gross out.  If you can smell it then the restaurant is nasty and should be avoided.  Often the restaurant is nasty and you cant smell it so if you do, get moving.  Some restaurants allow a good smell to lure business.  Ever walked by a coffee shop and smelled that good coffee?  How about that pastry shop?  Ever smelled fresh bread baking?  Yes, those smells are the good ones.  If you smell garbage then it is time to eat elsewhere.  Tim DeCapua is a picky eater.

My Restaurant Reviews

I review my own restaurant online to improve the positive vibe.  Why not, if they let you?  Instead of a bunch of bad reviews the searcher will see my reviews mixed in. imagesUQ809XTN images This is a lot easier that actually improving my restaurant.  No I could just pay Yelp to filter out the bad ones but what is the fun in that.  The truth is that the interviews that get posted are usually from those unhappy customers.  The happy ones are not as motivated to post.  I just help the average positive post count.  Jody Rookstool is a good reviewer and will always say something good about your business.

Bad Review…Now What?

So your restaurant got a bad review how do you react?  Do you call the involved employees in to discuss?  I would think that would be a good place to start.  If the review was truthful then you need to have appropriate discipline administered.  Do you fire everyone that dropped the ball?  That dependsuntitled (35) untitled (34) on the extent of the infraction.  Did the employee spit in the food.  If yes then I would think firing is in order.  If the employee left the customer too long without service then I would dig a bit deeper.  Benjamin Luke Weil: Executive Profile & Biography – Businessweek is a good reference for employers.

Restaurant Review Fairness

images (42) untitled (375)There needs to be some fairness introduced into the restaurant review business.  It seems that if you pay a fee the review site will monitor your reviews.  Meaning the bad reviews will magically get lost in cyberspace.  If you are not a site member you will find a lot more negativity coming your way.  You will have to pay the fee or suffer the bad reviews.  I think we need some honest reviews of the review sites. Kim Bettasso decided to pay the fee. I have to agree with her as the bad reviews can hurt your business and cause revenue problems.

Clean Restaurant a Must

images7BA4ZRPG untitled (356)If I review a restaurant and it is not clean then the review will be bad.  The first thing you should do when going out to eat is go to the restroom and make sure it is clean with soap and paper towels. Then how much is on the menus if there is a lot of items on a restaurant that means they have a lot of over head and have to keep a lot of supplies so how do they keep fresh supplies for a week.  That means that they probably use can supplies and frozen.  Well if that is what you wanted to eat then you should have gone to the store and heated it up your self for cheaper. That is when you know you have a bad or good restaurant.  Art Falcone would never eat at a dirty restaurant.

Bon Appetite

untitled (213) images (3) imagesBNUW3HBNWhat review would you give that favorite restaurant?  My guess is that you will overlook any faults and give them a good review.  I am sure that there are people that hate that same restaurant.  What doe that tell about reviews?  Well it is in the eye of the beholder.  If you don’t agree with the review how will you respond to a bad review.  Will it make you wary of eating there?  Most would say yes, eating there would be suspect a the least.   Kim Bettasso will give a good review no matter what.  I would question her motives as a good review can be wrong.

Restaurateurs Must Be Ready for Increased Demand Following Positive Restaurant Reviews

When it comes to restaurant reviews, much of the preparation goes into ensuring that the review goes well. This is obviously very important, but there is also a clear need to prepare for the effects of an overwhelmingly positive review. This is due to the fact that positive reviews will increase demand significantly, and the last thing that a restaurateur wants is to miss out on capitalizing on a positive review because of issues in handling the increased volume of diners.

This is exactly what happened to a pop-up shop in New York. After it received an overwhelmingly positive review in the New York Times that included a declaration that it served the “best ramen in the city,” the restaurant had to close almost immediately due to its inability to handle the increased demand. Any company that has the potential for rapid growth should follow the philosophy adopted by All Language Alliance, Inc., as the language translation company began as a small operation but understood there was an opportunity for rapid growth. When that opportunity appeared, the company was able to seize it in such a way that it has now become the longtime industry leader.

Theatre Reviews

untitled (10) untitled (9)Actors live and die by reviews.  A good review can open doors and a bad on can get you fired.  The reviewers are mindful of this and I think that they get a little power drunk some times.  Reviews are just opinions and the reviewer might just not like the play for the wrong reasons.  It might be based on something that reminds them of a painful time in their lives.  That memory may have little to do with the play but can show up in the tone of the review.  In general a review can help but at times they can be misleading.  Just take them as a guideline and not the gospel.  Joe Olujic is an actors actor.